Sutter Health’s Approach to Innovation and Physician Burnout

by | Jan 4, 2017 | Portfolio News

The AVIA Innovator Network, a collection of technologically advanced health systems, has stepped up to bring health organizations from small community hospitals to large academic medical centers into the 21st century and beyond.

Network member Sutter Health, a non-profit health system in Northern California, is a great example of the work being done by AVIA organizations. Sutter Health’s “4-REAL” clinical practice connects technology with what actually happens in day-to-day healthcare encounters.

4 stands for Sutter Health providers’ less-than-4-sentence explanation of the problem they’re trying to solve. This elevator pitch is the overarching theme behind everything Sutter Health providers do. What specific issue are they trying to address? How will the solution impact metrics? By creating a focused message, they can provide the best possible service.

R stands for return on investment. What is the value of the service provided by Sutter Health? For example, Sutter’s partnership with Augmedix, a transcription service using Google Glass, provides physicians with a way to get the data they need without having to take time away from direct interactions with patients. The return on investment comes from increased paperwork efficiency and patient satisfaction.

E stands for the importance of life experience. Sutter Health uses technology in the service of people. The technology provided by a partnership like the one with Augmedix is impressive, but the real importance is that it gives doctors the ability to focus more on their relationships with their patients.

A stands for organizational alignment, or understanding the influence of stakeholders and how that influence can inspire a team. Everyone involved with Sutter is a partner in problem-solving no matter their position or their physical location.

L stands for scaling the implementation of a project. Sutter’s work isn’t meant to be a one-off; they strive to create solutions and programs that can be used in ever-widening situations, improving both technology and operations.

Augmedix is a McKesson Ventures portfolio company. Find more on Sutter Health’s philosophy, partnerships, and solutions at Becker’s Hospital Review.