Dr. Davin Lundquist, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Augmedix – Interview Series

by | May 11, 2021 | Portfolio News

Davin Lundquist, MD, Chief Medical Officer at Audmedix, recently spoke with Unite.AI about Augmedix and the important work it’s doing in the AI and EHR world.

Lundquist joined Augmedix in 2019 after having been a customer for more than 7 years. He says it was Augmedix’s “passion to help doctors connect with patients and re-humanize healthcare” that attracted him to the company initially.

As CMO, Lundquist brings the voice of clinicians, physicians, and physician executives to the company, allowing it to better walk the line between delivering care and the demands of technology. One of the reasons he believes Augmedix’s platform works so well is that it isn’t pure AI—it’s AI and humans partnering together to provide medical documentation support—giving clinicians valuable hours back each day.

“There is a human behind the technology,” Lundquist says. “We have well-trained scribes for 35 specialties. They understand their specialty well and have necessary expertise to increase accuracy. This helps hospitals so there’s one simple solution for all their clinicians.”

During the interview, Lundquist also discussed how Emergency Department environments are currently using Audmedix’s remote scribes to safely support physicians throughout COVID-19. With remote scribes, physicians can still have quality support in documentation, real-time alerts, and EHR tasks—while reducing exposure risk and increasing flexibility for the care team.

“Physicians want to make sure the technology service is going to provide them with the same notes, quality, and preferences that they’re used to (not auto-corrected, generic notes). We want to replicate what a human can do with the assistance of technology.”

Read Dr. Lundquist’s full interview on Unite.AI.