Active Portfolio

We partner with curious, passionate entrepreneurs who are intent on making the healthcare system work better for everyone.

Answering high-stakes questions with RWE

Value-based care for primary care

Answering the toughest questions in cancer

Unlocking on-demand real world evidence

Integrating genetic testing into routine care

Power patient outcomes

Collaborative care for senior living residents.

Empowering everyone to participate in better outcomes

Reimagining primary care for all

Comprehensive home-based care

Democratizing and destigmatizing healthcare

Bringing health care home

Redefining the infusion experience

Reducing disease burden though smarter data

Revolutionizing effect detection in clinical research

Optimizing patient access and physician utilization

Medicine cabinet for animal health

Decentralizing clinical trials from the comfort of home

Drone delivery for healthcare

Value based oncology care at home

Making clinical trial participation and payment easy

Transforming the specialty Rx enrollment process

Intelligently connecting biopharma and providers

Faster, safer clinical development

Maximizing the value of employer pharmacy benefits

Innovative digital health prescribing platform

Select McKesson Alumni

Personalizing health advocacy for employees

Greater healthcare access at lower costs

CRM for homecare

Intelligent health engagement for health systems

Transforming cancer care through early detection

In-home care for complex patients

Navigating the complexities of cancer

Managing chronic respiratory disease better

Accelerating actionable insights across organizations

Virtual care, anytime, anywhere