Advent of Telepharmacy is Expected to Substantially Impact the Telemedicine and Telehealth Market

by | Nov 16, 2016 | Portfolio News

Telepharmacy—the remote delivery of pharmaceutical devices and medication—is set to heavily impact the up-and-coming telemedicine market. Using telepharmacy, pharmacists are able to serve remote patients who might not otherwise have access to the medicines and services they need.

San Francisco-based PipelineRx has been a leader in creating and disseminating the technology required to make telepharmacy a viable possibility. PipelineRx’s platform is designed to accept information from computerized physician order entries (CPOEs), fax, and more. Thanks to Pipeline, rural areas can now get 24×7 access to services and receive virtual medication reviews and verifications in real time.

This is particularly important for rural and low-income areas that may not have enough pharmacists on staff to provide the amount of service required for area patients.

And it’s not just rural areas that are benefitting from this technology. Hospitals, long-term care facilities, military bases, prisons, naval ships, and physicians’ offices are all putting telepharmacy into practice to provide patients with more convenient access to healthcare.

Another advantage of using technology like that provided by PipelineRx is that it allows pharmacists to oversee services at more than one hospital—between four to six at one time, in fact. This can help smaller hospitals cut costs and decrease turnaround time on prescriptions.

A recent Transparency Market Research study on the burgeoning telepharmacy market can be found here.

Read more about PipelineRx’s contributions to telepharmacy here.