In a recent guest post for Electronic Health Reporter, SHYFT Analytics’ chief product officer Priya Sapra discusses how using real-world evidence (RWE) is essential to understanding and improving clinical quality measures.
Healthcare organizations and biotech companies in particular are constantly working to improve clinical quality measures to keep up with the healthcare industry’s shift toward a patient-centric and performance-oriented model. A previous lack of uniform and meaningful industry standards has led to past criticisms, but Sapra argues that using and improving access to RWE can foster improvement.
“The problem is not a lack of data, but rather an inability to access RWE data quickly by the very people who are best suited to make sense of the information,” she writes. According to Sapra, the current model of siloed databases and access restriction needs to be abandoned and replaced by a model that overcomes these roadblocks.
One solution would be to leverage cloud-based analytics, such as what SHYFT Analytics offers. Unlike more traditional information silos, cloud-based analytics are easy to access and can provide immediate insights—which is critical when trying to translate data into actionable insights that may improve patient outcomes.
SHYFT Analytics is a McKesson Ventures portfolio company. The SHYFT Platform was created to help life science companies integrate clinical and commercial data and translate it into patient-centric intelligence and analytics.
Read Sapra’s full article on Electronic Health Reporter.